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Psalm 28:8

ESV The Lord is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed.
NIV The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.
NASB The Lord is their strength, And He is a refuge of salvation to His anointed.
CSB The Lord is the strength of his people; he is a stronghold of salvation for his anointed.
NLT The Lord gives his people strength. He is a safe fortress for his anointed king.
KJV The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed.
NKJV The Lord is their strength, And He is the saving refuge of His anointed.

What does Psalm 28:8 mean?

As he closes out this psalm, David encourages the faithful people within Israel. He states that the Lord is their strength and the salvation of their king. This reference to "the saving refuge of his anointed" implies that those whom God chooses, He also protects. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in God's promise to send a Messiah (Isaiah 9:6–7; 2 Samuel 7:16). Although nations tried to destroy Israel, the Lord always protected a remnant to ensure the arrival of the Messiah. Centuries after David, God even used the power of Rome to move Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. There, the Messiah was born in fulfillment of the prophecy that Bethlehem Ephrathah would bring forth the Lord's appointed ruler of Israel (Micah 5:2; Luke 2:1–7).

David also knew from experience that the Lord was his saving refuge. He had protected him from Goliath (1 Samuel 17:37, 50), Saul (1 Samuel 27:1–4), and the Philistines (2 Samuel 5:19). But the Lord's primary anointed one is the Messiah, Jesus. When Jesus was an infant, the Lord protected Him from Herod's hateful decree to kill all the male Jewish infants (Matthew 2:16–18). He also saved Him from the Devil's many attempts to destroy Him (Matthew 4:1–11). Further, He saved Him from death's grip by raising Him from the grave (Matthew 28:8–10). Someday, the Lord will inaugurate Jesus as King over all the earth (Revelation 19:11–16).
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