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Psalm chapter 93

What does Psalm chapter 93 mean?

Psalms 24, 47, 93, and 95—99 are often labeled as "enthronement" psalms. These celebrate God's absolute sovereignty and look forward to His direct rule over the entire world (Revelation 20:4). Psalm 15 is sometimes included in this list, as well.

God is all-powerful and eternal. Only God is uncreated (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1–3) and He has absolute power over all He has made. This omnipotence is as obvious as if the Lord wore it like a robe or belt. Nothing God has made can be changed or destroyed without His permission. He has always been and will always be the supreme power (Psalm 93:1–2).

In Scripture, water, seas, floods, and rivers are all used to imply power (Job 27:20; Psalm 69:2; Revelation 12:15) and chaos (Psalm 65:7; Isaiah 5:29–30; 57:20). Deep water covers, blocks light, and overpowers. Only God has the power to turn that chaos into order (Revelation 4:6; 15:2). The noisy, chaotic thrashing of water also parallels the non-Israelite people: the Gentiles. In the end, even these cultures (Isaiah 42:6; Luke 2:32) will comprehend God's truth (Psalm 43:3; John 3:19; Ephesians 5:9) and be tamed (Revelation 7:9). Because of God's long record of miraculous deeds, His omnipotence, and His holiness, all that He says can be trusted (Psalm 93:3–5).
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