
Genesis 35:13

ESV Then God went up from him in the place where he had spoken with him.
NIV Then God went up from him at the place where he had talked with him.
NASB Then God went up from him at the place where He had spoken with him.
CSB Then God withdrew from him at the place where he had spoken to him.
NLT Then God went up from the place where he had spoken to Jacob.
KJV And God went up from him in the place where he talked with him.
NKJV Then God went up from him in the place where He talked with him.

What does Genesis 35:13 mean?

After responding to God's renewed command (Genesis 35:1), Jacob arrived at the location where, twenty years before, he had a divine encounter (Genesis 28:10–12). God has reconfirmed all the covenant promises given to Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 17:1; 26:2–4). These now belong to Jacob and his descendants, as well (Genesis 28:13–15; 35:11–12). Part of that message is a reminder of Jacob's new name: Israel (Genesis 32:28; 35:10).

His message delivered, God departs from Jacob in Bethel and goes "up." His appearance to Jacob is not described in any detail (Genesis 35:9). This might have been a human form, or something more unusual. Whatever the case may be, the vision or presence is said to rise when it departs, as it did when God spoke with Abraham (Genesis 17:22).

In the following verses, Jacob will respond with worship (Genesis 35:14).
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