Luke 24:9

ESV and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.
NIV When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others.
NASB and returned from the tomb and reported all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest.
CSB Returning from the tomb, they reported all these things to the Eleven and to all the rest.
NLT So they rushed back from the tomb to tell his eleven disciples — and everyone else — what had happened.
KJV And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest.
NKJV Then they returned from the tomb and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.

What does Luke 24:9 mean?

Before Jesus' women disciples meet their risen Lord, they are reminded of His promises by angels (Luke 24:4–8). Before the men meet Him, they're reminded by women. But the women aren't just telling the disciples what the angels said, they're telling the men that they have seen Jesus (Matthew 28:8–10).

It's noteworthy that no one meets Jesus without having first received a testimony. They all hear the news from someone else first. This gives them a chance to remember His claims: that He would die and rise again after three days. Later this night, Jesus will appear to the men in the room where they are hiding (John 20:19–23). Thomas will not be there. When the men tell Thomas they have seen Jesus, he reacts just like they did when the women told them: he refuses to believe (John 20:25).

Eight days later, Jesus will return and Thomas will finally believe. Jesus will tell him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29).

That's us: we who believe though we have not seen. We who believe the testimony of others. And we are blessed because of it.

The chronology in the Gospels is confusing, but this timeline is likely: The women come to the tomb, find the stone rolled away, and Jesus' body missing (Luke 24:1–3). Mary Magdalene leaves immediately to tell Peter and John (John 20:1–2). The rest of the women meet the two angels who tell them Jesus is risen. They leave to tell the men (Luke 24:4–8; Matthew 28:5–7). The women see Jesus on their way to the men (Matthew 28:8–10). Peter and John arrive at the tomb, find it empty, and return to where they are staying (Luke 24:12; John 20:3–10). Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb, meets two angels, and then meets Jesus (John 20:11–17; Mark 16:9). The women tell the men that they have seen Jesus; Mary Magdalene has either caught up with the other women or arrives after them (Luke 24:9–11).

To fit into the narrative, Luke 24:12 occurs after Mary Magdalene finds Peter but before the other women arrive at the room. That's reasonable. The point is to tell the story of how the women found the empty tomb; there's no literary reason to interrupt their narrative with Peter.
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