Genesis 41:22

ESV I also saw in my dream seven ears growing on one stalk, full and good.
NIV "In my dream I saw seven heads of grain, full and good, growing on a single stalk.
NASB I saw also in my dream, and behold, seven ears of grain, full and good, came up on a single stalk;
CSB In my dream I also saw seven heads of grain, full and good, coming up on one stalk.
NLT In my dream I also saw seven heads of grain, full and beautiful, growing on a single stalk.
KJV And I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, full and good:
NKJV Also I saw in my dream, and suddenly seven heads came up on one stalk, full and good.

What does Genesis 41:22 mean?

This begins the second of Pharaoh's descriptions to Joseph. These involve his disturbing dreams (Genesis 41:1–7), which none of his advisors could explain (Genesis 41:8). When Pharaoh heard about a Hebrew prisoner—Joseph—who could interpret dreams (Genesis 41:9–13), he immediately summoned him (Genesis 41:14–16). The king has completed his description of the first dream (Genesis 41:17–21). In that vision, seven ugly, skinny cows ate up seven healthy-looking cows.

In the second vision, Pharaoh saw seven full, healthy-looking ears of grain growing on a single stalk. This verse uses an infamous word in Hebrew, sibbō'lēt, literally meaning something flowing or branching. In this context, it means the fruit-producing part of a plant; English translations present this as an "ear" or "head" of grain. Apparently, this word was awkward to pronounce, and stood out strongly in different dialects. This difference was so noticeable the term was used almost as a password (Judges 12:6).

The rest of Pharaoh's second dream is found in the following verses.
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