
Matthew 9:7

ESV And he rose and went home.
NIV Then the man got up and went home.
NASB And he got up and went home.
CSB So he got up and went home.
NLT And the man jumped up and went home!
KJV And he arose, and departed to his house.
NKJV And he arose and departed to his house.

What does Matthew 9:7 mean?

The paralyzed man at the heart of this story is never quoted in any of the gospels as having said a single word. His friends decide to take him to Jesus, who has been healing other people with every kind of disease. Since he is paralyzed, they had to carry him on his bed. When they reached the place, the house was too crowded to enter, so they climbed up on the roof and lowered their friend, still on his bed, through a hole they made (Mark 2:4).

Jesus, impressed by their faith, has told the man his sins are forgiven. This may have meant that the man's condition was related to some sin he has committed. Perhaps that's the sin Jesus was forgiving (Matthew 9:1–2).

The moment, though, was interrupted by an exchange between Jesus and some of the religious leaders about whether He had authority to forgiven sins on earth. To prove that He did, Jesus turned to the man and told him to get up, take his bed, and go home. Now the man does exactly that without ever saying a word, his own healing a powerful statement on the truth that Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus' intent here is to prove that His miraculous healing powers are signs His teachings are true (John 12:37; 20:30–31). It's one thing to say He is "only" able to forgive sins—such a thing is hard to prove on earth. To claim divine healing power, and immediately prove it, is much more "difficult," and offers a clear indication that He's telling the truth.
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