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Revelation 19:5

ESV And from the throne came a voice saying, "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great."
NIV Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both great and small!"
NASB And a voice came from the throne, saying, 'Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great.'
CSB A voice came from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all his servants, and the ones who fear him, both small and great!
NLT And from the throne came a voice that said, 'Praise our God, all his servants, all who fear him, from the least to the greatest.'
KJV And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
NKJV Then a voice came from the throne, saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!”

What does Revelation 19:5 mean?

Suddenly, a voice emanates from the throne and summons all God's servants to praise God. No servant of God is omitted from the summons. It extends to all who reverence him, regardless of their rank or station in life.

The word, "servants" in this verse is the Greek douloi, meaning "bond slaves." The apostle Paul often used this word to refer to himself as God's servant. A bond slave belonged to his master for life and did what pleased his master. His will was subservient to the master's will. Christians have been born into a spiritual form of bond-service: a willing, joyful "slavery" to our master, the Lord Jesus Christ. When Paul became a believer, he ceased to do his own will and turned his will over to the Lord. He told the Philippian church, "For to me to live is Christ" (Philippians 1:21). As the Lord's servants, we ought to praise Him instead of seeking to boost our own egos.
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