
2 Chronicles 20:3

ESV Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.
NIV Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah.
NASB Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord; and he proclaimed a period of fasting throughout Judah.
CSB Jehoshaphat was afraid, and he resolved to seek the Lord. Then he proclaimed a fast for all Judah,
NLT Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the Lord for guidance. He also ordered everyone in Judah to begin fasting.
KJV And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.
NKJV And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.

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