What does Psalm 73:13 mean?
ESV: All in vain have I kept my heart clean and washed my hands in innocence.
NIV: Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure and have washed my hands in innocence.
NASB: Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure And washed my hands in innocence;
CSB: Did I purify my heart and wash my hands in innocence for nothing?
NLT: Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Did I keep myself innocent for no reason?
KJV: Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.
NKJV: Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain, And washed my hands in innocence.
Verse Commentary:
Those who abandoned God to imitate the prosperous wicked (Psalm 73:1–3, 10–11) concluded they had not benefitted in the least from obedience to the Lord. This is a tempting conclusion in a world which celebrates sin, mocks faith (Psalm 73:8–9), and seems to reward those who reject godliness (Psalm 73:5–6). While this is a very human response to very real pain, it's also an irrational and flawed approach. Later in this psalm, Asaph will explain how this despairing attitude falls short (Psalm 73:15–17).
One reason that envy towards affluent, wicked people is so tempting is because of our own flawed motives. Many people carry an assumption that the purpose of becoming a believer is to get something from God. Faith is seen as a transaction where we give God our worship, and so He "owes" us things like prosperity. Since God is truth (Isaiah 65:16), following His will is a more reliable path to happiness (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10–12), though not a guarantee. The real purpose of faith in God is to be free from the penalty and power of sin, so we can worship and serve God acceptably.
Jesus did not promise His followers an easy life full of good health and wealth. To the contrary, He promised a cross and conflict. He said, "Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:27). In John 16:33 He predicted, "In the world you will have tribulation." Certainly, the apostle Paul met with persecutions and countless trials as he served the Lord, but he remained faithful to the end of his life. He wrote: "I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure [meaning martyrdom] has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:6–7).
Verse Context:
Psalm 73:10–14 describes a kind of despair, to which God's people are often tempted. Scripture notes that following God's will is a surer path to success than rejecting Him (Proverbs 9:10–12), but those who do evil can sometimes prosper. When a godless, depraved person seems happy and healthy, a believer may be tempted to concluded it doesn't pay to serve God. Hurting people are especially sensitive to seeing the wicked prosper, while they suffer. That tempts them to conclude that their righteousness brought them nothing except trouble. The imagery in this section is deliberately exaggerated to enhance that contrast. In the next section, however, Asaph will indicate that this conclusion is wrong, and why (Psalm 73:15–17).
Chapter Summary:
Seeing godless people thrive, even as they hatefully mock God, while believers suffer, leads many people to a crisis of faith. This was the case for Asaph. Using exaggerated imagery, he complains to the Lord that it seems as if evil people have easy lives, while godly people suffer. Further reflection reminds Asaph that sin does lead to consequences, both in this life and the next. He confesses his sins of bitterness and resolves to trust God more deeply.
Chapter Context:
This psalm is the first in a collection which corresponds to Leviticus and the overall theme of worship. Asaph, who wrote Psalm 73, confesses that seeing prosperity among wicked people brought him bitterness and envy. That nearly caused him to lose trust in God. Carefully considering God and His eternal truth led Asaph to a stronger faith. Job chapter 21, in which trial-laden Job also complains about the success of some wicked people, mentions many of the same ideas as Psalm 73.
Book Summary:
The book of Psalms is composed of individual songs, hymns, or poems, each of which is a ''Psalm'' in and of itself. These works contain a wide variety of themes. Some Psalms focus on praising and worshipping God. Others cry out in anguish over the pain of life. Still other Psalms look forward to the coming of the Messiah. While some Psalms are related, each has its own historical and biblical context.
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