What does Matthew 15:26 mean?
ESV: And he answered, "It is not right to take the children 's bread and throw it to the dogs."
NIV: He replied, "It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs."
NASB: Yet He answered and said, 'It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.'
CSB: He answered, "It isn’t right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs."
NLT: Jesus responded, 'It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.'
KJV: But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
NKJV: But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”
Verse Commentary:
To avoid crowds and religious leaders for a while, Jesus is in the Gentile district of Tyre and Sidon. He is likely exhausted at this point in His ministry (Matthew 13:1–2; 14:13–14, 34–36).
Somehow, a believing Canaanite woman has found Him here. She is not Jewish, but she likely believes He is the Messiah and that He can cast a demon from her daughter (Matthew 15:21–23). Jesus has refused because His designated mission—for now—is only to Israelites (Matthew 15:26). What Jesus says in this verse is often torn from that context, and the words which follow, to make it seem derogatory, or even hateful. It's neither: Jesus has a purpose for this dialogue (Matthew 15:28).
However, these words would have been difficult for the woman to hear, regardless. Christ's intent, apparently, is to test the woman's commitment to her request, and her faith in Him. Jewish people sometimes called Gentiles "dogs" to show their disrespect for them. Dogs in the ancient middle east were most often seen running in packs, as dangerous scavengers. Jewish people would not, in general, think of them as either pets or friendly creatures.
However, the word Jesus uses is not as harsh as it sounds when translated into English. The Greek term He uses, kynariois, literally means "little dog." In the context of children and food, this seems to be a reference to a pet; this would have been a more common use of dogs in a Gentile region.
There's no question that Jesus' symbolism here depicts Israelites as God's children and this woman—or her child—as a "little dog;" not even as a person. However, Jesus is not trying to be hurtful. He is comparing the nature of God's relationship with His chosen people Israel to those in the rest of the world who practice pagan idolatry. He says this to prove the woman's humility and faith, knowing He will shortly reward both (Matthew 15:28).
Verse Context:
Matthew 15:21–28 describes an encounter between Jesus and a Gentile woman. She knows Jesus is the Messiah and tells Him her daughter is severely oppressed by a demon. At first, Jesus chooses not to cast the demon out. He tells the woman His mission is only to Israel, using a metaphor about table scraps. The woman persists, and Jesus praises her for her for faith. Her daughter is healed instantly. This seems to be a teaching moment for the disciples, as Jesus will continue to another Gentile-heavy area and heal many, in the next passage.
Chapter Summary:
Pharisees and scribes come from Jerusalem to challenge Jesus. They are offended that His disciples break the religious leaders' tradition about ritual handwashing before meals. Jesus turns that attack upside down, pointing out that His critics honor tradition above God's actual commands! He insists that nobody is defiled by what goes in the mouth—by the literal matter itself—but by the overflow of the spirit, such as the words that come out of the mouth. He and the disciples travel out of the country. Jesus casts a demon out of the daughter of a persistent Canaanite woman. They travel to the southeast side of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus feeds thousands of people from a few loaves and fishes. These last two events set up the eventual spread of the gospel beyond the people of Israel.
Chapter Context:
Matthew 15 begins with a confrontation between some Pharisees and Jesus. They ask why His disciples break the traditional practice of ritual handwashing. Pointedly, Jesus asks why they allow the obvious intent of God's commandments to be broken through their traditions. Jesus and the disciples travel out of Israel, encountering a Canaanite woman. He praises her faith and casts a demon from her daughter. They travel to the southeast side of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus heals more people and feeds thousands more from another few loaves and fishes. This sets up another confrontation with religious leaders, warnings about their teachings, and predictions of Jesus' death in the next chapter.
Book Summary:
The Gospel of Matthew clearly shows the influence of its writer's background, and his effort to reach a specific audience. Matthew was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, a Jewish man, and a former tax collector. This profession would have required literacy, and Matthew may have transcribed some of Jesus' words as they were spoken. This book is filled with references to the Old Testament, demonstrating to Israel that Jesus is the Promised One. Matthew also includes many references to coins, likely due to his former profession. Matthew records extensive accounts of Jesus' teaching, more than the other three Gospels.
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