What does Mark 14:45 mean?
ESV: And when he came, he went up to him at once and said, "Rabbi!" And he kissed him.
NIV: Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, "Rabbi!" and kissed him.
NASB: And after coming, Judas immediately went to Him and *said, 'Rabbi!' and kissed Him.
CSB: So when he came, immediately he went up to Jesus and said, "Rabbi!" and kissed him.
NLT: As soon as they arrived, Judas walked up to Jesus. 'Rabbi!' he exclaimed, and gave him the kiss.
KJV: And as soon as he was come, he goeth straightway to him, and saith, Master, master; and kissed him.
NKJV: As soon as he had come, immediately he went up to Him and said to Him, “Rabbi, Rabbi!” and kissed Him.
Verse Commentary:
Rabbi is Hebrew for "honorable sir." Jews use it to address or refer to their teacher. The disciples use it for Jesus regularly (Mark 9:5; 11:21; John 1:49; 4:31; 6:25). In many places of the world, people kiss each other in greeting. This is not a romantic or sexual act, but a display of brotherly love. Judas' use of such signs of respect are very clever. The disciples may be confused by the guards who accompany Judas, but Judas' greeting reassures them long enough for the guards to draw nearer.

Of course, Judas' greeting is also incredibly hypocritical, and Jesus calls Judas out on it (Luke 22:48). Judas has followed Jesus for three years, appearing to be His devoted disciple. The other eleven are not completely noble. They follow Jesus in large part because they expect to rule once He comes into His kingdom (Matthew 19:28). But in their ambition is real affection for Jesus and the humility to know they will rule under His authority (Mark 10:35–37).

Scholars debate over Judas' motivation for betraying Jesus. Some say that "Iscariot" is a term associating Judas with the Sicarii, the assassination force of the Zealots. If so, Judas may have come to the realization that Jesus is not going to bring his hoped-for military and political rebellion that will free the Jews from their Roman rulers. Jesus' only use to Judas, then, is what Judas can get for betraying Him.

Scripture doesn't say if Judas was a Zealot, but it does say he likes money. When Mary of Bethany spends a year's wages worth of oil on Jesus, Judas complains that she should have given it to the poor. What he meant was that he'd prefer she put the money somewhere he can more easily steal it (John 12:6).

Satan enters Judas before he talks to the chief priests about betraying Jesus (Luke 22:3–4) and again when Judas leaves the Passover dinner to coordinate the arrest (John 13:27). But Satan doesn't compel Judas to do anything he isn't willing to do. Satan merely acts as a catalyst to get Judas moving on his timetable.

Satan also apparently muddles Judas' mind so that he does not understand the implications of what he is doing. He doesn't understand that the Sanhedrin will successfully manipulate the Roman officials into crucifying Jesus. When Judas realizes what his actions have led to, he tries to undo what he has done. It's too late, however, and instead of asking Jesus for forgiveness, Judas kills himself (Matthew 27:3–10).

The application of Judas' work is obvious and far-reaching. God gives us standards to live by for a reason. He offers to work in our hearts to eliminate things like greed so that our selfish actions won't hurt others. When we act self-centeredly, we don't realize—or don't care—that we don't know the bigger picture and the possible repercussions. Jesus says, "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much" (Luke 16:10). This is certainly true for Judas who stole from the moneybag and sold Jesus.
Verse Context:
Mark 14:43–50 happens about one week after Jesus rode past the garden of Gethsemane in the daylight, surrounded by people declaring His coming to reestablish David's kingdom (Mark 11:1–10). For several days, He displayed His superior understanding of God over the Jewish religious leaders (Mark 11:27–12:40). Earlier this night, He spent a meaningful Passover meal with His disciples (Mark 14:17–31). Now, He is back in Gethsemane. It is the dead of night and a group has come to take Him before a series of sham trials before He is crucified. The story of Jesus' betrayal is also recorded in Matthew 26:47–56, Luke 22:47–53, and John 18:1–11.
Chapter Summary:
Jesus is anointed in a symbolic anticipation of His death. Judas decides to secretly cooperate with local religious leaders to arrest Jesus in secret. During the Passover meal, Jesus predicts His betrayal by Judas, and Peter's denial. He also institutes the Lord's Supper, also known as communion. After praying on the Mount of Olives, Jesus is captured when Judas identifies Him to a hostile mob sent by Jewish authorities. He endures a corrupt, prejudiced trial, ending in a conviction for blasphemy. Peter, fearing for his life, lies about knowing Jesus, before remembering Jesus' prediction and breaking down in sobs.
Chapter Context:
Jesus has finished His public teaching ministry and now prepares for the crucifixion. His sacrificial loyalty will provide the means by which the disciples' abandonment will be forgiven. Next, the Romans, as representatives of Gentiles throughout history, will join the Jews and kill Jesus. Jesus will be buried, but He will rise again with the promise that His sacrifice will redeem the world. Matthew 26 and Luke 22 follow Mark 14 more closely while John 13:1—18:27 records more of Jesus' teaching in the upper room.
Book Summary:
The Gospel of Mark emphasizes both Jesus' servanthood and His role as the promised Messiah: the Son of God. This is done through a concise, action-packed style. Mark provides relatively few details, instead focusing on actions and simple statements. This relates to the Gospel's authorship, which is believed to be based on the memories of the apostle Peter. These include many of Jesus' miracles, in contrast to other Gospels which include many more of Jesus' teachings and parables. Mark also makes frequent mention of Jesus' ministry being misunderstood by others.
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