What does Mark 10:49 mean?
ESV: And Jesus stopped and said, "Call him." And they called the blind man, saying to him, "Take heart. Get up; he is calling you."
NIV: Jesus stopped and said, "Call him." So they called to the blind man, "Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you."
NASB: And Jesus stopped and said, 'Call him here.' So they *called the man who was blind, saying to him, 'Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you.'
CSB: Jesus stopped and said, "Call him." So they called the blind man and said to him, "Have courage! Get up; he’s calling for you."
NLT: When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, 'Tell him to come here.' So they called the blind man. 'Cheer up,' they said. 'Come on, he’s calling you!'
KJV: And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.
NKJV: So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying to him, “Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.”
Verse Commentary:
"Take heart" is from the Greek root word tharseō and means "to be of good courage or cheer." It is the same command Jesus gave the disciples when He walked on the Sea of Galilee and they thought He was a ghost (Mark 6:50). The phrase also evokes Isaiah 35:4–5 in which those with an anxious heart are told to "be strong; fear not!" and the blind and deaf are healed.

Jesus heals people in different ways, particularly those who are blind and deaf. In some situations, perhaps when the person is scared or confused, He draws them aside and interacts with them on a very personal level (Mark 7:31–37; 8:22–26). Bartimaeus is not scared. He is bold and loud. The people's admonition to him to "take heart" may reflect the crowd's skepticism and embarrassment more than their concern for the beggar (Mark 10:48). So, Jesus doesn't have to make any special arrangements. Jesus doesn't even have to walk to where the blind man is sitting. He just calls Bartimaeus over and declares him healed by virtue of his faith.

The people who just rebuked Bartimaeus for calling after Jesus change their tune when they realize Jesus wants to talk with him. Very often, we dismiss the needs of others because they're inconvenient or uncomfortable. We need to remember that Jesus always cares about those around us. We shouldn't need a reminder or a sign. We can always take given opportunities to address needs and injustices personally and offer them to Jesus in prayer. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8).
Verse Context:
Mark 10:46–52 describes Jesus traveling through Jericho on His way to Jerusalem and the cross. He is stopped by a blind man who wishes to be healed. The first account of Jesus healing a blind man comes directly after Jesus accuses the disciples of spiritual blindness (Mark 8:14–26). This, the last of Jesus' healing miracles in Mark, directly follows James and John's spiritually blind request for positions of power in Jesus' kingdom. Luke 18:35–43 records a similar event, possibly the same one; Matthew 20:29–34 mentions that Bartimaeus has a friend who is also healed.
Chapter Summary:
In this passage, Jesus again confronts the Pharisees by clarifying God's views on marriage and divorce. He reminds the disciples not to dismiss the spiritual perspective of children. This chapter also records Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler, who becomes an object lesson in why wealth makes it hard for people to rely on God. After this, Jesus deftly sets aside an arrogant request from James and John, and again predicts His impending death. Just prior to the triumphal entry of chapter 11, Jesus is sought out by Bartimaeus, whom He heals of blindness.
Chapter Context:
In between chapters 9 and 10, Jesus resumes His public teaching as He travels to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles (Luke 9:57—18:14; John 7—10). We meet Him here across the Jordan in Perea and follow as He makes His way west again to Jericho. This chapter surrounds a third prophecy of Jesus' death (Mark 10:32–34) with lessons on His value for those others often dismiss: women (Mark 10:1–12), the powerless (Mark 10:13–16), those who value God more than the world (Mark 10:17–31), servant-hearted leaders (Mark 10:35–45), and those with bold faith (Mark 10:46–52). Next is the triumphal entry and the beginning of Passion Week.
Book Summary:
The Gospel of Mark emphasizes both Jesus' servanthood and His role as the promised Messiah: the Son of God. This is done through a concise, action-packed style. Mark provides relatively few details, instead focusing on actions and simple statements. This relates to the Gospel's authorship, which is believed to be based on the memories of the apostle Peter. These include many of Jesus' miracles, in contrast to other Gospels which include many more of Jesus' teachings and parables. Mark also makes frequent mention of Jesus' ministry being misunderstood by others.
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