What does John 12 mean?
Chapter Commentary:
When John wrote this gospel, the other three accounts of Jesus' life—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—had already been established and distributed. Partly for that reason, it seems, he focuses on details which the other Gospels do not include. That's especially true of meanings behind Jesus' miracles and parables. It's also why John focuses so much time and energy on what Jesus said to His disciples. John uses several groups of sevens, including seven unique miracles, seven overt witnesses to Jesus, and seven "I Am" statements. This chapter is only about halfway through John's text, but he has already offered all those items, but for two "I Am" remarks (John 14:6; 15:1).
Here, in chapter 12, we find the last of Jesus' public teachings prior to the crucifixion. Chapters 13—17 will contain only private instruction given by Christ in the hours before He is arrested. This will be followed by His arrest, sentencing, death, and resurrection.
Jesus has just resurrected Lazarus from death, after the man was dead for four days (John 11:38–44). In response, local religious leaders have solidified their plans to have Jesus killed (John 11:53). Chapter 12 begins as Jesus is being treated to a celebratory dinner in Bethany (John 12:1–2).
At this dinner, Mary anoints Jesus with an extremely expensive oil. This is probably the same incident as described in Mark 14:3–9. However, this is not the same woman or the same moment as depicted in Luke 7:36–50. Filling in details from other Gospels, we know that Judas and a few others complain about the "waste" of this resource. In theory, they are claiming it would be better to spend that money on the poor, rather than on luxurious honor for Christ. Truthfully, Judas is upset to see an opportunity for embezzlement slip through his hands. Jesus' response is not a dismissal of charity, at all. Rather, His comment is a statement of fact: not all opportunities are equal, and some will not be repeated (John 12:3–8).
The raising of Lazarus has generated a lot of attention. It also seems to have brought additional visitors to see the once-dead man for themselves. Again, Jesus' religious critics prove how hard-hearted and cruel they really are. Not only have they responded to Jesus' miracle by plotting His death (John 11:53), they are even willing to assassinate Lazarus, whose very existence threatens to prove them wrong (John 12:9–11).
The perspective of these religious leaders is cold and cowardly, but it's not entirely irrational. Part of their fear is that Jesus' popularity with the people might instigate another rebellion against the Roman Empire. That might well result in the full might of the Empire's military falling on the Jewish people and on Jerusalem. The day after the celebratory dinner, Jesus is cheered by a crowd shouting kingly blessings in fulfillment of prophecy. This confirms, in some sense, what the chief priests fear: that Jesus is "too popular" for their good (John 12:12–19).
Jesus is in Jerusalem for one of several festivals which compel local Jewish men to come into the city. Also in attendance are "Greeks," a term often used for non-Jewish people: Gentiles. Based on the not-so-hidden hatred of the Pharisees and priests (John 11:8), it seems Jesus' disciples are screening His visitors. When they bring this group of Greeks to Jesus, He explains once again that His impending death is part of God's plan and His greater purpose (John 12:20–26).
While speaking, Jesus is answered by a voice from heaven. These are audible sounds, forming coherent words. Many skeptics, even today, suggest that this is exactly the kind of miracle which would inspire them to believe. However, many in the crowd around Jesus dismiss what they hear as thunder. In response, Jesus explains that God is giving people these signs so they'll believe; their time to make the right decision is rapidly running out (John 12:27–36).
John's gospel also explains how some people seem to be excessively hardened to the truth. Those who persistently reject God—whether as a culture or as individuals—may find that God "hardens" them as a form of judgment. Much like God punished Pharaoh by hardening him (Exodus 9:12), but only after Pharaoh hardened himself (Exodus 7:13, 22; 8:15, 19, 32), God can do the same to others. Those who stubbornly refuse to accept Christ may find themselves in a state where they cannot accept Him, because they would not accept Him (John 12:37–43).
The last words of Jesus recorded in this chapter are not given any definite context. John indicates that Jesus "cried out," using similar Greek words as Jesus' "calling out" to Lazarus in the tomb (John 11:43). This message summarizes the idea that to reject Jesus Christ is to reject God. Jesus' first coming was to live and die as a man, establishing the means by which mankind can be saved. Actual "judgment" for those who reject Him will come later, in the form of an eternal separation. As Jesus has pointed out before, His words and His will are identical to those of God the Father (John 12:44–50).
This marks the end of Jesus' public ministry, as included in the gospel of John. The next chapters are focused on His last-minute preparation of the disciples, leading up to His arrest and execution.
Verse Context:
John 12:1–8 describes a dinner held at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Jesus has recently raised Lazarus from the dead, in a spectacularly public miracle. As a result, the religious leaders of Jerusalem have banded together to have Him killed. In this scene, Mary sacrifices an extremely expensive container of oil in order to anoint Jesus. Judas objects to this, dishonestly claiming that his concern is for the poor which the ointment's value could have supported. This is similar to an event related in Mark chapter 14, but not the same as the one recorded in Luke chapter 7.
John 12:9–11 shows how committed Jesus' enemies are to rejecting His message. In chapter 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from death in a public, unmistakable miracle. Rather than accepting this proof of His divinity, local religious leaders committed to having Jesus killed. Here, they show that they're also willing to murder the resurrected man, since he's living proof of Jesus' power. Any question about the sincerity of Jesus' religious critics is laid to rest here: they're literally willing to kill the innocent, and cover up evidence, in order to oppose Him.
John 12:12–19 describes the triumphal entry: Jesus' celebratory parade into Jerusalem a few days before Passover. To this point, Jesus has been relatively quiet about His mission, even asking people not to proclaim Him. Now, He fulfills prophecy by riding into the city on a donkey, as people shout ''Hosanna'' and throw down coats and palm branches. This affirms the fears of local religious leaders, who worry Jesus' popularity will attract the anger of the Roman Empire. As it turns out, most of these people misunderstand Jesus' mission, thinking His plan is to overthrow the Romans to free Israel. This event is also described in Matthew 21:1–11, Mark 11:1–10, and Luke 19:28–40.
John 12:20–26 describes a group of Greeks—non-Jewish people who worshipped God—who approach Jesus after the triumphal entry. The disciples appear to be carefully vetting everyone who wants to come near Jesus, knowing that local religious leaders have marked Him for death. Jesus' response indicates that the time has come for His ultimate sacrifice, an event which opens the gospel of grace to the entire world.
John 12:27–43 represents the end of Jesus' public ministry in the gospel of John. After being approached by non-Jewish people who believed in God, Jesus seems agitated as He anticipates His impending death. A voice from heaven affirms His mission, but to most people it simply sounds like noise or thunder. What Jesus means as a reference to crucifixion is misinterpreted by many as a prediction that He'll be exalted: to be ''lifted up.'' The people struggle to understand His message, and Jesus will leave them after warning that their time is short. This confirms Old Testament prophecies and reiterates how far some people will go in order to defy evidence of God.
John 12:44–50 is the last public statement Jesus makes prior to His crucifixion. This is a sincere ''plea'' to the people. In relatively few words, Jesus summarizes His purpose, and states that He alone provides the means of salvation. From this point forward, Jesus will focus His efforts on preparing the disciples for what comes next. Those lessons, leading up to Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, make up the bulk of the next few chapters of the gospel of John.
Chapter Summary:
Jesus is treated to an honorary dinner at the home of Lazarus, whom He has recently raised from death. At this dinner, Lazarus' sister, Mary, anoints Jesus with expensive oil. Jesus then enters Jerusalem to great fanfare, stoking fears that His popularity will attract the anger of the Roman Empire. That anger even inspires a murder plot against Lazarus. After being approached by non-Jewish seekers, Jesus offers a final plea for people to understand His ministry. In effect, these are the last public words spoken by Jesus in the gospel of John.
Chapter Context:
In the prior chapter, Jesus spectacularly raised Lazarus from death in front of a crowd of witnesses. This inspired local religious leaders to commit to having Him killed. Here, after a celebratory dinner where Jesus is anointed with oil, He will fulfill prophecy by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, celebrated with shouts of ''Hosanna'' and a massive crowd. This leads to a group of curious non-Jews approaching Him. Christ then offers a final plea for belief in Him and His message. After this, His ministry will turn to preparing the disciples for His impending death and resurrection. The next several chapters of the gospel of John are almost entirely made up of his teachings to these men.
Book Summary:
The disciple John wrote the gospel of John decades after the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written. The author assumes that a reader is already familiar with the content of these other works. So, John presents a different perspective, with a greater emphasis on meaning. John uses seven miracles—which he calls "signs"— to prove that Jesus is, in fact, God incarnate. Some of the most well-known verses in the Bible are found here. None is more famous than the one-sentence summary of the gospel found in John 3:16.
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