What does John 1 mean?
Chapter Commentary:
The first chapter of John begins with a clear, expressive description of Jesus as God. It then segues to the ministry of John the Baptist, and the local religious leaders who questioned him. By the end of the chapter, Jesus has collected the first five disciples: John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael.

Along the way, John describes Jesus using seven specific titles. These names outline both the purpose of Jesus' ministry, and His status as both God and Savior. The seven names of John chapter one are "the Word" (John 1:1–3, 14), "the Light" (John 1:4–13), "the Son of God" (John 1:15–18, 34, 49), "the Lamb of God" (John 1:29–34, 36), "the Messiah" (John 1:17, 19–28), "the King of Israel" (John 1:43–49), and "the Son of Man" (John 1:50–51). Each of these is meant to explain a particular aspect of who Jesus is, and the reason He was born on earth.

The first 18 verses of John form a prologue, setting the tone for the rest of the gospel. Jesus is described using the Greek word logos, meaning "logic, word, order, or definition." Jesus is the message, the logic, the "word" of God. In describing Jesus, the prologue states that Jesus has always existed (John 1:2) and has always been God (John 1:1, 3). And yet, since He came in physical form, He was subject to all the physical struggles of a human man (John 1:14). Jesus is described as the "light" (John 1:4–5), an important concept in Hebrew philosophy. Much of Jesus' ministry, as described in John, is an "illumination" of human ignorance. Jesus constantly corrects mistaken concepts about God (John 1:1–18).

John the Baptist, not the same John as the author of this gospel, preached a message of repentance. His goal was to prepare people for the arrival of the Messiah. Local religious leaders interrogated the Baptist about his teachings. This is a reasonable investigation, since those men are responsible for the spiritual well-being of the Jewish people. However, their motives are not pure. In response to questions, the Baptist clearly states that he is not the Savior, just a man opening minds and hearts to receive the Chosen One (John 1:19–28).

This gospel doesn't fully record Jesus' baptism, but it does mention some of what happened. In front of these witnesses, John the Baptist testifies that he has seen the Holy Spirit on Jesus, and that Jesus is the Son of God. Even though the Baptist is several months older than Jesus (Luke 1:35–36), he repeats the idea that Jesus existed first. He seems to direct two of his students, Andrew and John—the author of this gospel—to follow Jesus the next day. The men spend time with Jesus, foreshadowing a pattern that will continue for the rest of His earthly ministry (John 1:29–39).

Andrew seeks out his brother, Simon, and brings him to Jesus. Jesus gives Simon the name "Cephas" or "Peter," which makes more sense later. Jesus then calls Philip, and Philip finds Nathanael to tell him about Christ. Nathanael is skeptical at first. He dismisses Jesus because Nazareth doesn't have a grand reputation. Jesus responds with a clever remark which counters the idea of judging a person based on such things. He also demonstrates supernatural wisdom. This leads Nathanael to change his mind. Jesus tells the five disciples that they will see far more amazing things as they follow Him (John 1:40–51).

John's gospel only discusses seven miracles, but each is explained to prove that Christ is who He claimed to be. Chapter 1 is just the introduction to these amazing events.
Verse Context:
John 1:1–18 is a poetic introduction of Jesus Christ. Jesus is referred to using the Greek word logos, meaning "the Word." This passage clearly describes Jesus as God, and co-creator with God the Father. These verses summarize Jesus' ministry and mission on Earth. The passage also explains how John the Baptist—a different John from the author of this gospel—was sent ahead of Christ to prepare for His arrival.
John 1:19–28 describes a conversation. On one side is John the Baptist, different from the author of this gospel. On the other are local religious leaders. Baptizing converts to Judaism was common, but the Baptist was calling on Jews to repent and be baptized. The Baptist makes it clear that he is not the "Promised One," but equally clear that his mission is to prepare the way for that One.
John 1:29–42 describes more conversations, these between John the Baptist, his disciples, and Jesus. It includes the moment Jesus recruits His first two disciples. Jesus is identified as "the Lamb of God," and "the Son of God." The Baptist describes his vision of the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, landing on Jesus. This confirms that He is the Messiah. The Baptist seems to tell John and Andrew to go and follow Jesus. They, in turn, introduce Jesus to Peter.
John 1:43–51 shows Jesus recruiting Philip and Nathanael. Philip seems eager to follow Jesus. Nathanael is skeptical, especially because Jesus is from a low-reputation remote town like Nazareth. When Jesus demonstrates His supernatural wisdom, Nathanael proclaims Him as the "Son of God" and "the King of Israel." Jesus responds by predicting even more spectacular signs. He also refers to Himself using the term "Son of Man," an important figure in Jewish prophecy.
Chapter Summary:
The first chapter of John introduces Jesus as "the Word," from the Greek logos. This chapter clearly describes Jesus as God. After this prologue, the chapter describes Jesus recruiting the first of His disciples, as well as a conversation between John the Baptist and the Pharisees. There are seven names or titles for Christ in this chapter, including "the Son of God," "the Word," and "the King of Israel."
Chapter Context:
The first chapter of the gospel of John equates Christ with God and introduces John the Baptist. The Baptist specifically points to Jesus as the Promised One. Jesus collects the first five of His disciples. In this chapter, Jesus is given seven descriptive names, including "the Word," "the Son of God," and "the King of Israel." This chapter sets the stage for the rest of the gospel, by giving the reader a sense of who Jesus truly is, and why He has come. The rest of the gospel is an exploration of the claims made in this initial passage.
Book Summary:
The disciple John wrote the gospel of John decades after the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written. The author assumes that a reader is already familiar with the content of these other works. So, John presents a different perspective, with a greater emphasis on meaning. John uses seven miracles—which he calls "signs"— to prove that Jesus is, in fact, God incarnate. Some of the most well-known verses in the Bible are found here. None is more famous than the one-sentence summary of the gospel found in John 3:16.
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