What does Job 30:4 mean?
ESV: they pick saltwort and the leaves of bushes, and the roots of the broom tree for their food.
NIV: In the brush they gathered salt herbs, and their food was the root of the broom bush.
NASB: Who pluck saltweed by the bushes, And whose food is the root of the broom shrub.
CSB: They plucked mallow among the shrubs, and the roots of the broom tree were their food.
NLT: They pluck wild greens from among the bushes and eat from the roots of broom trees.
KJV: Who cut up mallows by the bushes, and juniper roots for their meat.
NKJV: Who pluck mallow by the bushes, And broom tree roots for their food.
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Accessed 2/12/2025 12:59:49 PM
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