What does Acts 5:16 mean?
ESV: The people also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed.
NIV: Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them were healed.
NASB: The people from the cities in the vicinity of Jerusalem were coming together as well, bringing people who were sick or tormented with unclean spirits, and they were all being healed.
CSB: In addition, a multitude came together from the towns surrounding Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed.
NLT: Crowds came from the villages around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those possessed by evil spirits, and they were all healed.
KJV: There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.
NKJV: Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed.
Verse Commentary:
While going to the temple to pray one afternoon, Peter and John came upon a man born lame. Peter healed him in the name of Jesus. The man stood and began leaping about, drawing the attention of a crowd who knew him as the lame beggar by the gate. Peter and John used the opportunity to teach the crowd about Jesus' resurrection and His offer of forgiveness for anyone who repents (Acts 3).

Members of the Sanhedrin saw the crowd and arrested Peter and John. Most of the chief priests belong to the sect of the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. To hear men speaking that Jesus, the bane of the Sanhedrin, had risen after the Sanhedrin had Him killed is too much to bear. Because the healing miracle was so grand and had so many witnesses, the council lets Peter and John go, but not without warning them to never again speak or preach in Jesus' name (Acts 4:1–22).

Now, all twelve apostles are healing and preaching in Jesus' name and it's driving the Sadducees mad with jealousy (Acts 5:17)—not just because the people are coming from miles around to see them, but because the people believe their message and are following Jesus (Acts 5:14). The only thing the council can think to do is arrest them all. This time, they will beat them (Acts 5:40). Soon, they will go after all the Jesus-followers, leaders and converts (Acts 8:1–3).
Verse Context:
Acts 5:12–16 gives a short update of the state of the early church in Jerusalem. The first chapters of Acts alternate between highlights of the activities of the apostles and short summaries of indefinite periods of time. As in Acts 2:43–47 and Acts 4:32–35, Luke glosses over the events here. People are a little leery because of Peter and John's arrest by the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:1–22) and God's immediate judgment of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1–11), but both the miracles and the message are irresistible. Even more people come to saving faith in Jesus.
Chapter Summary:
The apostles continue to make hard decisions in the name of Jesus, both inside and outside the church. When Ananias and Sapphira lie to God, the Holy Spirit inspires Peter to pronounce God's judgment on them, protecting the church from the love of the world. Despite the Sanhedrin's watchful eye—and direct orders (Acts 4:17–18)—the apostles continue to preach and heal openly. The guards arrest the apostles, but the Sanhedrin settles for beating them instead of capital punishment. The apostles consider it an honor to suffer on behalf of their Savior.
Chapter Context:
In Acts 5, persecution from unbelievers begins to accelerate. The Sanhedrin has become aware the apostles teach that Jesus rose from the dead (Acts 4). Now, they start to push back in earnest, arresting and beating the apostles. Soon, a mob will kill Stephen, a deacon (Acts 7:54–60), and the Sanhedrin will empower Saul to run down and arrest any Jesus-follower he can find (Acts 8:1–3). The apostles will stay in Jerusalem. Other Jesus-followers will carry His offer of forgiveness and reconciliation with God into the Roman Empire and beyond. The apostles' faithfulness and submission to the Holy Spirit is why we have the gospel message today.
Book Summary:
The summary of the book of Acts is provided in Jesus' words in Acts 1:8: ''But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'' In Acts 2:1–13, the Christ-followers receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:14—7:60 describes the rapid growth of the church in Jerusalem. Chapters 8—12 find Jewish persecution inadvertently spreading the gospel throughout Judea and Samaria. And in chapters 13—28, Paul and his companions spread the good news throughout the Roman Empire.
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