What does Acts 26:30 mean?
ESV: Then the king rose, and the governor and Bernice and those who were sitting with them.
NIV: The king rose, and with him the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them.
NASB: The king stood up and the governor and Bernice, and those who were sitting with them,
CSB: The king, the governor, Bernice, and those sitting with them got up,
NLT: Then the king, the governor, Bernice, and all the others stood and left.
KJV: And when he had thus spoken, the king rose up, and the governor, and Bernice, and they that sat with them:
NKJV: When he had said these things, the king stood up, as well as the governor and Bernice and those who sat with them;
Verse Commentary:
Porcius Festus has only been the governor in Caesarea Maritima for a few weeks, called to replace Governor Felix who had been summoned to Rome to answer for his cruelty and licentiousness. Festus knows next to nothing about his new territory except that he is determined to have a better relationship with the local leaders. To that end, he had barely dropped off his travelling bags before heading to Jerusalem to meet the Sanhedrin (Acts 25:1).

Two years prior, the Sanhedrin had met Felix in Caesarea and attempted to convince him that Paul was a menace to society. Felix quickly determined the Sanhedrin could not prove the charges. Even further, Paul hadn't actually committed a crime. Felix couldn't hand over a Roman citizen, but he didn't want to let Paul go and irritate the Sanhedrin. So, for political reasons, he left Paul in prison (Acts 24:5–6, 27).

When Festus arrived in Jerusalem, the Sanhedrin took up the old case. As before, they came to Caesarea where they repeated their unfounded accusations. Like Felix, Festus couldn't determine what, exactly, Paul had done wrong. While the governor waffled over his decision, Paul appealed his case to a higher court (Acts 25:2–12). Now, Festus must send Paul to Rome, but he has nothing to tell the Roman court. So, he asked King Agrippa II, Agrippa's sister Bernice, and the leaders of Caesarea to hear Paul's testimony (Acts 25:23–27). Unfortunately, they're not as helpful as Festus might like.

Paul has given his defense. Specifically, he has used his opportunity to show that Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled the prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures. He knows Agrippa, great-grandson of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:1–4), believes the prophets. Paul is even so bold as to challenge Agrippa to believe Jesus (Acts 26:2–3, 26–29).

Now, Paul's audience leaves the auditorium to discuss what they have heard. They quickly decide Paul has done nothing wrong. If he hadn't appealed to Caesar, they would have been compelled to let him go (Acts 26:31–32). Even Festus, who thinks Paul is half-mad (Acts 26:24), clearly sees he is innocent.
Verse Context:
Acts 26:24–32 records Governor Felix and King Agrippa II reacting to Paul's testimony. He has just finished giving account of how he accepted Christ and dedicated his life to spreading the gospel. Festus thinks Paul has gone insane. Agrippa understands Jesus' fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, but he can't accept the personal implications. What they all agree on, however, is that Paul shouldn't be imprisoned. If he hadn't appealed to Caesar, he should have been freed.
Chapter Summary:
Acts 26 records Paul's testimony before the noblemen of Caesarea Maritima, as well as their reactions. He explains that Jewish leaders want him dead because he once persecuted the church, but now believes Jesus rose from the dead and has been spreading that message. Governor Festus thinks Paul has gone mad. King Agrippa II, however, finds his story compelling. They realize that had Paul not appealed to a higher Roman court, they could have let him go.
Chapter Context:
After being held in custody for two years and, again, hassled by the Sanhedrin who want to kill him, Paul appeals his case to Caesar (Acts 25:7–12). Before he travels to Rome, however, Governor Festus has Paul give his testimony before King Agrippa II and the noblemen of Caesarea Maritima (Act 25:23–27). When Paul is finished, they realize they should have set him free before he appealed to Caesar (Acts 26:30–32). But he must go to Rome, surviving a violent storm and a shipwreck along the way (Acts 27—28).
Book Summary:
The summary of the book of Acts is provided in Jesus' words in Acts 1:8: ''But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'' In Acts 2:1–13, the Christ-followers receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:14—7:60 describes the rapid growth of the church in Jerusalem. Chapters 8—12 find Jewish persecution inadvertently spreading the gospel throughout Judea and Samaria. And in chapters 13—28, Paul and his companions spread the good news throughout the Roman Empire.
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