What does 2 Corinthians 13:13 mean?
ESV: All the saints greet you.
NIV: All God’s people here send their greetings.
NASB: All the saints greet you.
CSB: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
NLT: All of God’s people here send you their greetings.
KJV: All the saints salute you.
NKJV: All the saints greet you.
Verse Commentary:
Paul is closing out his long letter to the Corinthians in his usual style. With an affectionate tone, he is delivering a series of quick commands, reminders, and now greetings. He says simply, "All the saints greet you."
The New Testament applies the word "saints" to all Christians, not just the especially holy ones. Any person who has been saved by grace through faith is a "saint" according to the New Testament. The believers Paul has in mind here are those in the region of Macedonia, where he is staying at the time of this writing. This would include the churches in the towns of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea.
Verse Context:
Second Corinthians 13:11–14 contains Paul's closing farewell to the Corinthians. He urges them to rejoice, to strive for restoration, and to comfort and encourage each other in like-minded unity. He assures them that the God of love and peace will be with them, reminds them to greet each other with a holy kiss, and offers greetings from believers in other churches. Finally, Paul offers a prayer of specific blessing for them from each of the three members of the Trinity.
Chapter Summary:
The final chapter of Paul's letter begins with a harsh warning. Nobody living in unrepentant sin when Paul arrives will be spared Paul's discipline. All will learn that Christ speaks through Paul—because Christ will deal powerfully with their sinfulness despite Paul's own weakness. Paul urges them to examine themselves and verify that Christ is in them and, by extension, that he is a true apostle. He prays for their restoration and hopes they will repent of all sin before he arrives so that he will not have to be severe in the use of his authority.
Chapter Context:
Second Corinthians 13 follows Paul's listing of two sets of sins he is concerned he will find among the Corinthians when he arrives. These are personal divisions and sexual immorality. He warns them once more that nobody will be spared from Christ's discipline if they remain in sin. Paul urges them to examine and test themselves to see if Christ is in them. He prays for their restoration and hopes they will repent of sin so that he does not have to be severe with them in his authority as Christ's representative when he arrives.
Book Summary:
Second Corinthians returns to similar themes as those Paul mentioned in his first letter to this church. Paul is glad to hear that the church in Corinth has heeded his advice. At the same time, it is necessary for Paul to counter criticisms about his personality and legitimacy. Most of this text involves that subject. The fifth chapter, in contrast, contains comforting words which Christians have quoted often in times of hardship. Paul also details his expectations that the church in Corinth will make good on their promise to contribute to the needs of suffering believers in Jerusalem.
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