What does 2 Corinthians 10:11 mean?
ESV: Let such a person understand that what we say by letter when absent, we do when present.
NIV: Such people should realize that what we are in our letters when we are absent, we will be in our actions when we are present.
NASB: Have such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when absent, such persons we are also in deed when present.
CSB: Let such a person consider this: What we are in our letters, when we are absent, we will also be in our actions when we are present.
NLT: Those people should realize that our actions when we arrive in person will be as forceful as what we say in our letters from far away.
KJV: Let such an one think this, that, such as we are in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be also in deed when we are present.
NKJV: Let such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when we are absent, such we will also be in deed when we are present.
Verse Commentary:
Paul is answering one of the primary accusations from his opponents in Corinth. He quotes them in the previous verse as saying his writing is strong, but his personal presence is weak (2 Corinthians 10:10). Part of this criticism seems to be that Paul is not as impressive in person as he is in writing, so he's not to be taken seriously. The other accusation, dealt with here, would be that Paul is a coward. In other words, false teachers suggest the Corinthians need not worry about what Paul wrote, claiming he would not back it up when he was with them in person.
In response, Paul wrote that he and his associates will do exactly what his letters say when he is there in person. This includes his warning in verse 6 that they will punish every disobedience. He does not counter the accusation that he is unimpressive in person. Rather, he insists that giving impressive speeches matters less than the substance of what a person truly says and does.
Verse Context:
Second Corinthians 10:1–18 contains Paul's response to charges against him from critics in Corinth. They claim that though his letters are potent, he is pathetic in person. Paul does not argue either point. However, he issues a stern warning: that he will arrive prepared for boldness in Christ in punishing every disobedience. He describes the conflict with the false apostles as a spiritual war. He and his associates plan to win that battle by capturing the thoughts of the Corinthians again so they will obey Christ. He will not boast to defend himself except in the Lord.
Chapter Summary:
Critics and other opponents in Corinth argue that though Paul's letters are strong and weighty, he is unimpressive in person. In response, Paul warns the Corinthians not to make him show how bold he can be when he arrives. Paul and his partners fight for the truth about God and the gospel. They battle using spiritual weapons that destroy false arguments. He won't trade boasts with the false apostles, but will only boast in the Lord, who approves of him. The Corinthians should know that—they came to Christ as a result of Paul's ministry to them as an apostle.
Chapter Context:
Second Corinthians 10 continues the pattern of Paul's letter, as he deals with one topic after another in an orderly way. After concluding his comments about the contribution to the Christians in Jerusalem, Paul tackles a personal charge against him: that he is too unimpressive in person to be a true apostle of Christ. He insists he will follow through on the strong words in his letters when he comes to see them. He is fighting a spiritual war for the minds of the Corinthians and their obedience to Christ and will not stoop to the blatant self-promotion of the false apostles. This counter of false teachers continue into chapter 11.
Book Summary:
Second Corinthians returns to similar themes as those Paul mentioned in his first letter to this church. Paul is glad to hear that the church in Corinth has heeded his advice. At the same time, it is necessary for Paul to counter criticisms about his personality and legitimacy. Most of this text involves that subject. The fifth chapter, in contrast, contains comforting words which Christians have quoted often in times of hardship. Paul also details his expectations that the church in Corinth will make good on their promise to contribute to the needs of suffering believers in Jerusalem.
Accessed 2/12/2025 6:37:42 AM
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