What does 1 Samuel 13:4 mean?
ESV: And all Israel heard it said that Saul had defeated the garrison of the Philistines, and also that Israel had become a stench to the Philistines. And the people were called out to join Saul at Gilgal.
NIV: So all Israel heard the news: "Saul has attacked the Philistine outpost, and now Israel has become obnoxious to the Philistines." And the people were summoned to join Saul at Gilgal.
NASB: And all Israel heard the news that Saul had attacked the garrison of the Philistines, and also that Israel had become repulsive to the Philistines. Then the people were summoned to Saul at Gilgal.
CSB: And all Israel heard the news, "Saul has attacked the Philistine garrison, and Israel is now repulsive to the Philistines." Then the troops were summoned to join Saul at Gilgal.
NLT: All Israel heard the news that Saul had destroyed the Philistine garrison at Geba and that the Philistines now hated the Israelites more than ever. So the entire Israelite army was summoned to join Saul at Gilgal.
KJV: And all Israel heard say that Saul had smitten a garrison of the Philistines, and that Israel also was had in abomination with the Philistines. And the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal.
NKJV: Now all Israel heard it said that Saul had attacked a garrison of the Philistines, and that Israel had also become an abomination to the Philistines. And the people were called together to Saul at Gilgal.
Verse Commentary:
Please see our chapter commentary on 1 Samuel chapter 13, verse-level content coming soon!
Verse Context:
First Samuel 13:1–7 describes King Saul's early rebellion against the Philistines. His son Jonathan attacks and defeats a Philistine garrison at Geba. Saul calls all the people to join them at Gilgal. The Philistines arrive with a massive force of chariots, horsemen, and troops to put down the uprising. When the Israelites see how many Philistines have come, they begin to abandon the impending battle, running and hiding.
Chapter Summary:
Saul and his son Jonathan defeat a garrison of Philistines and rally Israelites to join them at Gilgal. The Philistines bring a massive army and camp at Michmash. Terrified Israelites begin to flee. Saul disobeys God by not waiting for Samuel and instead offers burnt offerings to the Lord himself. Samuel tells Saul that the throne will pass to someone else because of Saul's faithlessness. The Israelites encamp at Geba, across a deep ravine from the Philistine army. Aside from Saul and Jonathan, the Israelites have no swords or spears.
Chapter Context:
Israel has demanded a king (1 Samuel 8) and the Lord has allowed them to act on this premature, faithless urge (1 Samuel 9—12). Now firmly established, king Saul begins a campaign against the Philistines. His son Jonathan (1 Samuel 14:1) defeats a Philistine garrison. When the Philistines arrive with a massive army, terrified Israelites scatter. Instead of waiting for God's prophet, Samuel, Saul disobeys God's command and performs a pre-battle sacrifice himself. This is one of many examples of Saul's unwise choices (1 Samuel 14:1) and refusal to follow the Lord's commands (1 Samuel 15). These lead to David being the next anointed king (1 Samuel 16).
Book Summary:
First Samuel introduces the key figures who led Israel after the era of the judges. The books of 1 and 2 Samuel were originally part of a single text, split in certain translations shortly before the birth of Christ. Some of the Bible’s most famous characters are depicted in this book. These including the prophet Samuel, Israel’s first king, Saul, her greatest king, David, and other famous names such as Goliath and Jonathan. By the end of this book, Saul has fallen; the book of 2 Samuel begins with David’s ascension to the throne.
Accessed 10/6/2024 7:05:09 AM
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